Our Pupils

Our children here at Bordesley Green Primary School can get involved with various councils and Leadership groups that encourage pupils to get involved with non-class based school activities and to get used to taking on additional responsibilities.


Year 6 children have the opportunity to help with the running of school in their role as prefects. They complete an application form and are called to interview with a member of the Leadership Group. Roles and responsibilities include guiding visitors and parents around the school, delivering messages, supporting the lunchtime supervisors and helping to tidy the school library. 

What the kids say

“I like having the responsibility of being a prefect.”

School Council

Our Councillors are voted onto the School Council by their classmates. They range from Years 3 to 6 and play an important part in our school life.

What the kids say

“I like being on the School Council. I have a lot of jobs to do.”

 Bordesley Green School Council Rules

  1. To be responsible
  2. To be willing to participate in meetings
  3. To respect each other
  4. To arrive to meetings on time
  5. To be committed

Listen to other people’s ideas because every idea counts. We discussed in one of our meetings that one of the most important skills of being a School Councillor is to be a good listener.

To be a good listener, you have to make eye contact, to keep your hands and feet still so the person talking knows you’re concentrating on them.

Anti-Racist Council

The ARC are a group of KS2 volunteers who meet regularly and raise the awareness of equality. They lead assemblies and organise special events like Black History Month and Anti-Bullying Week.


Play Leaders

Year 5 have the choice to apply to be a Play Leader which involves leading games and supporting younger children to play together from FS and KS1 as well as organising play equipment in the playgrounds at break times.