Parental Engagement

At Bordesley Green Primary School we value parents as partners, we believe that for children to reach their full potential parents/carers and school need to work together in unison.

We offer a wide range of opportunities for parents to part of their child’s education. Our Parent Ambassadors offer a programme of classes for parents in our Community Hub. Please see the Parent Ambassadors page for further details.

In Reception, Year 2 and Year 6 parents will be invited to attend a meeting outlining the End of Year expectations for the appropriate year group and strategies and ideas on how they can support their child to reach them at home. This will be supported by an End of Year expectations document.

Parents’ Evenings are held once a term and are a designated time for parents to speak to their child’s teacher about their personal and academic progress however as a school we encourage an open dialogue with parents.

Parents of children with a special educational need also have a designated time with the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator or her Deputy to discuss the child’s progress. In addition, the school SENCO and Deputy are on the playground regularly checking in with parents.


Parent workshops can also be devised and delivered based on the schools key areas of focus.

Family Workshops are fun and exciting sessions; hosted by each year group, and are an opportunity for parents and carers to come into school and spend time with their child, learning about an area related to their curriculum.

A variety of workshops take place throughout the year. Dates will appear on the Diary Dates page and in invitations sent home with your child.

Come along when you can and join in the fun.